Nick's Fix It

(407) 404-4004

Florida Summer Irrigation Tips

Maintaining a gorgeous lawn in Florida is not easy. Florida has actual wet and dry seasons, and it can be challenging to try to keep up with when to water your lawn. There are also restrictions on how often and the times of the day that water your grass is allowed.

If you aren't paying attention, your lawn can get out of control in a hurry. The hot Summer sun can fry grass in just a few days if you are not careful. On the flip side, the rainy season can drown your lawn and cause problems in other ways.

What is the perfect time you should water your lawn and landscaping? The answer: 4:30 am. Most people aren't awake at that hour, and if they are, they are not thinking of watering their yards. We are always looking for ways to make our lives easier and more convenient. One way to do that is to install an automatic sprinkler system. Besides, at 4 am, even the birds aren't even awake!

An automatic sprinkler system is the best way to save water, time, and money while ensuring your landscaping stays healthy and beautiful. With a self-regulated system, the plants are never over or under watered, giving them precisely what they need to thrive. When set to timers, the system conveniently waters your lawn even when you are not home.

Many times you don't need to replace your old sprinkler system to make it automatic. For many homeowners, simply switching out a few components in your existing system is all you need to get the convenience of automation. If a new system is required, the cost is minimal compared to the savings on your water bill and the vast improvement to your home.

Nick's Fix It can help you achieve that lush green lawn you have always dreamed of having. Give us a call today!