Nick's Fix It

(407) 404-4004

Winter Irrigation Tips for Florida Homeowners

If you've lived in Florida for a while, you know that the winters here aren't too bad. It definitely gets cold, and it can drop to freezing on occasion, but thankfully, snow isn't something we have to deal with in the Sunshine State. Even though we have no snow or super harsh winters, is it still possible to have proper irrigation for our yards in Florida during winter? Absolutely! Thankfully it's much easier in Florida to keep your lawn looking beautiful in the colder months than more northern states. Here you'll find a few helpful winter irrigation tips for a Florida homeowner.

  • Cut back on your watering schedule! It should be a bit of a given that it's not necessary to water as much as you would during warmer months while in a Florida winter. If you're used to watering the lawn every morning, it can be cut down to once a week! In some cases, you may only need to water it every other week or every three weeks, depending on the rainfall for that time.
  • Turn off your automatic sprinklers. This ties in with cutting back on your watering schedule, especially if your irrigation system has sprinklers on timers. It's not needed during the winter months and could drown your lawn.
  • Pre-water your yard before the cold snap hits! Watering your lawn a day or two before the real cold temperatures come through allows the grass to absorb the water and soak into the roots. This way, there will be no damage to the lawn, keeping it hydrated and not frozen solid if you were to water after the cold snap arrives.
  • Do NOT water during a freeze! As stated before, watering your lawn before a major cold front comes through is okay, but it is an absolute no-no if the freezing temperatures have already arrived. It's not a common occurrence in Florida, but it happens at least once. Pay attention to local weather forecasts to stay up to date, and when a freeze could happen, so you are fully prepared.

Florida winters don't last long, but the temperatures can drop quick and hard, so it's best to make sure your lawn is ready for the change! Pay attention to your watering times and weather patterns, and keep your yard looking as good in winter as it does in the summer!