Nick's Fix It

(407) 404-4004


If there is one thing we seem to have plenty of here in the Sunshine State of Florida is a lot of rain. And all this rain that falls has to go somewhere. And a few places you sure don’t want this water to go is to collect in areas of your property and flood or perhaps even intruding into your house causing structural damage. Nick’s Fix It can help keep the water away with a home drainage system.

Inadequate draining after the frequent Florida rains can keep you from enjoying your lawn, patio or pool. Installing a simple French Drain system can absorb and divert those frequent flows of heavy water away from problem areas so it can drain properly.

Nick's Fix It can install French Drain systems at your home so that when the next rainstorm blows through that your yard isn't turned into a murky swamp.

For information on home drainage services, please call (407) 404-4004 or use our online contact form to send us a message.